Doctors Revenue Management Services, LLC

2181 Victory Pkwy., 2nd floor

Cincinnati, OH 45206
Phone Icon (866) 505-9786


Doctor Talking to a Patient

Offering Complete Medical Billing Services

Doctors Revenue Management Services has more than 25 years of medical billing experience to ensure maximum reimbursement of services. We accept worker's compensation, which sets us apart from most billing companies, and we happily appeal denied claims and handle personal injury cases. Plus, our company offers immediate access to state-of-the-art computer software.  Our customers simply link to our client portal for easy access to appointment scheduling, patient registration and medical management reports and much more.  We provide on the job training to ensure your staff is comfortable with the day-to-day operations required to run your business as efficiently as possible. We reduce expensive start-up fees, monthly provider and user fees to keep your billing service fees simple and affordable. 

We Get Doctors Paid

Medical Billing & Consulting

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ICD-10 Codes

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CPT Codes & Modifiers

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Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)

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Electronic Remittance Advise (ERA)

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Electronic Payer ID/CPID

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CAQH Credentialing

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Insurance Contracts

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Fee Schedules

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Practice Development

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Human Resources

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Accounts Payable